Oktoberfest 2023 Ticket

from $0.00
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Join for a night to grow and strengthen the WCE community. This is your chance to meet other parents in a more intimate setting. We’ll have games to help you meet each other and even a special appearance by Principal Jill who will talk about the high quality of education at WCE and how you can help keep it that way! All ticket sales and money raised at the event will benefit the PTA and our kids’ classrooms directly.

Unlimited food and beer are included with all tickets.

VIP tickets include a 1L beer stein, a pretzel necklace, and one Steinholding entry ticket.

As always, WCE faculty and staff tickets are free.

The Westerly Creek Oktoberfest will be hosted at a private residence in Central Park close to school. The address will be emailed to you purchase your ticket(s).

This is an adult only event.

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